MD SURGICENTER - Rankings, Doctors, Quality Outcomes & Information

All you need to know about MD SURGICENTER practicing at 375 Barclay Cir, Rochester Hills, MI, 48307 with NPI  1255342366.

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Dexur Rankings are Trusted

MD SURGICENTER Rankings & Experience

Rankings - Jan 2021 to Dec 2021

Ophthalmology Surgical

Unique Ophthalmology Surgical Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments


Unique Ophthalmology Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments


Unique Cataract Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments

Lens Procedures

Unique Lens Procedures Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments


Unique Glaucoma Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments

Cornea & External Eye Procedues

Unique Cornea & External Eye Procedues Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments

Eyelid Procedures

Unique Eyelid Procedures Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments


Unique Oncology Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments

Skin Cancer

Unique Skin Cancer Medicare Patients Treated

Total payments

Affiliated Doctors


1905 W 32ND ST STE 301, JOPLIN, MO, 64804

Specializations: Glaucoma Specialist

Counties Served: Oakland, MI; Macomb, MI; Lapeer, MI

Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated | Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated at MD SURGICENTER

Total Payments | Total Payments Associated with MD SURGICENTER

Operating Metrics

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