NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA - Rankings, Affiliated Doctors & Information

All you need to know about NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA practicing at 1000 E 1st St, Duluth, MN, 55805 with Organisation Billing NPI  1649296245.

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Dexur Rankings are Trusted

Affiliated Doctors


1000 E 1ST ST, DULUTH, MN, 55805

Specializations: Neurology

Counties Served: St. Louis, MN; Itasca, MN; Carlton, MN

Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated | Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated at NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA

Total Payments | Total Payments Associated with NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA


1012 E 2ND ST, DULUTH, MN, 55805

Specializations: Neurology

Counties Served: St. Louis, MN; Carlton, MN; Douglas, WI

Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated | Total Unique Medicare Patients Treated at NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA

Total Payments | Total Payments Associated with NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA

These are the top 25 affiliated doctors of NORTHLAND NEUROLOGY AND MYOLOGY PA. For a complete list (which is also available in Excel),this is only available for Dexur Pro users.

Practice Speciality Details

Practice Taxonomy Code Classification Specialization
174400000X Specialist