Examples:  30233N1, 02HV33Z, 8591

0MB - ICD 10 Procedure Code - Excision - Market Size, Prevalence, Incidence, Quality Outcomes, Top Hospitals & Physicians

ICD Code Description
0MB0Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament
0MB1Shoulder Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MB2Shoulder Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MB3Elbow Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MB4Elbow Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MB5Wrist Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MB6Wrist Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MB7Hand Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MB8Hand Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MB9Upper Extremity Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBBUpper Extremity Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBCTrunk Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBDTrunk Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBFThorax Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBGThorax Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBHAbdomen Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBJAbdomen Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBKPerineum Bursa and Ligament
0MBLHip Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBMHip Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBNKnee Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBPKnee Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBQAnkle Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBRAnkle Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBSFoot Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBTFoot Bursa and Ligament, Left
0MBVLower Extremity Bursa and Ligament, Right
0MBWLower Extremity Bursa and Ligament, Left