Leveraging Dexur’s Solutions, Payors and Hospitals Collaborate to Elevate Healthcare Quality

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Dexur’s is the most innovative platform for Hospital and Healthcare quality excellence. For Quality and Clinical Improvement teams within Payor organizations, exur’s offerings can be harnessed to improve quality in participating hospitals. Dexur’s solutions can drive transformative changes in hospital quality through a payor’s lens.

  1. Aligning Hospital and Payor Objectives:

    Quality and Clinical Improvement teams in payors are pivotal in fostering collaborations with hospitals to achieve shared quality objectives. Dexur’s predictive analytics and guidance tools provide invaluable insights into CMS Star Ratings, Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) Readmissions, Leapfrog, and Value-Based Care. Pay for Performance programs, cost, efficiency, and other measures, enabling payors to anticipate future trends and align with hospitals on quality improvement strategies.

  2. Simulations and Goal Setting:

    Dexur’s simulation software offers a unique opportunity for payors to visualize the path to achieving CMS 5 Star Ratings, avoiding penalties, and optimizing pay-for-performance payouts for hospitals. By setting collaborative goals based on these simulations, payors and hospitals can cultivate a symbiotic relationship, with aligned priorities leading to mutual improvements in quality outcomes.

  3. AI-Driven Insights and Early Warning Alerts:

    For Clinical Improvement teams seeking to augment their intervention strategies, Dexur’s AI Advisor is a game-changer. This tool generates automated insights and early warning alerts on quality measures, enabling payors to identify areas of improvement and collaborate with hospitals in implementing timely and targeted interventions.

  4. Comprehensive Scorecards:

    Dexur’s scorecards consolidate various measures, such as Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI), readmissions, mortality, and HCAHPS, providing a comprehensive view of hospital performance. This unified approach empowers payors to engage with hospitals in meaningful dialogues, identifying areas of improvement and tracking the impact of interventions against goals and actions.

  5. Evidence-Based Quality Management:

    Quality Improvement teams in payors can leverage Dexur’s solutions to monitor the efficacy of hospital actions and interventions. By adopting evidence-based quality management practices, payors can ensure that interventions yield the desired results, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in participating hospitals.

  6. Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors:

    Dexur’s AI-based risk factor identification software is instrumental for payors in analyzing hospital data to uncover underlying risk factors affecting quality. With this knowledge, payors can work with hospitals to develop personalized strategies that mitigate risks and enhance patient outcomes.

  7. Best Practices for Quality Enhancement:

    Dexur’s reservoir of expert-curated research and best practices serves as a knowledge hub for payors striving to uplift hospital quality. By incorporating these best practices, Quality, and Clinical Improvement teams can facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and innovative practices across the network of participating hospitals.

    In the quest for quality improvement, the synergy between payors and hospitals is indispensable. Quality and Clinical Improvement teams within payor organizations stand to gain immensely from Dexur’s suite of solutions, designed primarily for hospital quality enhancement. By embracing Dexur’s offerings, payors can forge stronger collaborations with hospitals, driving mutual improvements and ensuring that the overarching goal of delivering high-quality, patient-centered care is realized.