Kaiser Permanente Continuing Care Services Hospice - ICD Diagnosis Quality Outcomes - July 2019 to Sep 2019

Dexur analyzed Q3 2019 (July 2019 to Sep 2019) Medicare claims data to show quality outcomes (Revenue per User, Revenue per Day) by ICD Diagnosis Code level for Kaiser Permanente Continuing Care Services Hospice.

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ICD Code ICD Description Total Users Total Payments Revenue per User Revenue per Day Hospice Median LOS
I10 (Primary or Secondary) Essential (primary) hypertension 275
I700 (Primary or Secondary) Atherosclerosis of aorta 182
N183 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 (moderate) 131
I4891 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified atrial fibrillation 112
I2510 (Primary or Secondary) Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris 104
I679 (Primary or Secondary) Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified 95
J449 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified 91
F0390 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified dementia without behavioral disturbance 69
G309 (Primary or Secondary) Alzheimer's disease, unspecified 60
I5030 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure 58
G4733 (Primary or Secondary) Obstructive sleep apnea (adult) (pediatric) 57
I252 (Primary or Secondary) Old myocardial infarction 49
Z9181 (Primary or Secondary) History of falling 47
Z8673 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits 47
G8929 (Primary or Secondary) Other chronic pain 47
J9610 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic respiratory failure, unspecified whether with hypoxia or hypercapnia 45
E1142 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathy 45
K219 (Primary or Secondary) Gastro-esophageal reflux disease without esophagitis 43
R634 (Primary or Secondary) Abnormal weight loss 42
R1310 (Primary or Secondary) Dysphagia, unspecified 42
F0281 (Primary or Secondary) Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with behavioral disturbance 40
F0280 (Primary or Secondary) Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance 40
E039 (Primary or Secondary) Hypothyroidism, unspecified 39
I480 (Primary or Secondary) Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 39
M810 (Primary or Secondary) Age-related osteoporosis without current pathological fracture 38
C7951 (Primary or Secondary) Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone 38
Z87440 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of urinary (tract) infections 38
E785 (Primary or Secondary) Hyperlipidemia, unspecified 38
I739 (Primary or Secondary) Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified 37
C787 (Primary or Secondary) Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct 37
Z8701 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of pneumonia (recurrent) 37
D649 (Primary or Secondary) Anemia, unspecified 37
I509 (Primary or Secondary) Heart failure, unspecified 36
I2721 (Primary or Secondary) Secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension 32
I350 (Primary or Secondary) Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis 32
I5020 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure 32
E1169 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication 32
G629 (Primary or Secondary) Polyneuropathy, unspecified 30
E43 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified severe protein-calorie malnutrition 29
N184 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 (severe) 28
Z8619 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases 28
Z950 (Primary or Secondary) Presence of cardiac pacemaker 25
R296 (Primary or Secondary) Repeated falls 24
J90 (Primary or Secondary) Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified 23
E46 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition 23
Z8679 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of other diseases of the circulatory system 22
G20 (Primary or Secondary) Parkinson's disease 22
Z8719 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of other diseases of the digestive system 21
E119 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications 21
J45909 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated 20
F330 (Primary or Secondary) Major depressive disorder, recurrent, mild 20
F0391 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified dementia with behavioral disturbance 20
D696 (Primary or Secondary) Thrombocytopenia, unspecified 19
M1990 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified osteoarthritis, unspecified site 19
E1129 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complication 19
R188 (Primary or Secondary) Other ascites 19
K7460 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified cirrhosis of liver 19
Z86718 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of other venous thrombosis and embolism 18
F331 (Primary or Secondary) Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate 18
Z951 (Primary or Secondary) Presence of aortocoronary bypass graft 18
N390 (Primary or Secondary) Urinary tract infection, site not specified 17
F419 (Primary or Secondary) Anxiety disorder, unspecified 17
I472 (Primary or Secondary) Ventricular tachycardia 17
G40909 (Primary or Secondary) Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, without status epilepticus 15
I5032 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure 14
Z86711 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of pulmonary embolism 14
R918 (Primary or Secondary) Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field 14
R569 (Primary or Secondary) Unspecified convulsions 14
N400 (Primary or Secondary) Benign prostatic hyperplasia without lower urinary tract symptoms 13
E871 (Primary or Secondary) Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia 13
Z87898 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of other specified conditions 13
C189 (Primary or Secondary) Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified 13
J690 (Primary or Secondary) Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food and vomit 13
C61 (Primary or Secondary) Malignant neoplasm of prostate 13
Z87311 (Primary or Secondary) Personal history of (healed) other pathological fracture 12
C7800 (Primary or Secondary) Secondary malignant neoplasm of unspecified lung 12
I25119 (Primary or Secondary) Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unspecified angina pectoris 12
I5022 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure 12
G893 (Primary or Secondary) Neoplasm related pain (acute) (chronic) 12
N189 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic kidney disease, unspecified 12
C3490 (Primary or Secondary) Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of unspecified bronchus or lung 12
E1122 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease 12
E1151 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene 12
F0150 (Primary or Secondary) Vascular dementia without behavioral disturbance 12
R0902 (Primary or Secondary) Hypoxemia 12
N185 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 12
R809 (Primary or Secondary) Proteinuria, unspecified 11
D631 (Primary or Secondary) Anemia in chronic kidney disease 11
J9611 (Primary or Secondary) Chronic respiratory failure with hypoxia 11
I639 (Primary or Secondary) Cerebral infarction, unspecified 11
N179 (Primary or Secondary) Acute kidney failure, unspecified 11
Z7901 (Primary or Secondary) Long term (current) use of anticoagulants 11
E1149 (Primary or Secondary) Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic neurological complication 11
C7931 (Primary or Secondary) Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain 11
D509 (Primary or Secondary) Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified 11